J293 Coolant Fan Control Module terminals 1993 Passat B3 cooling fan
Module connector/terminal | Description |
T4/1 | Power out to Coolant Fan V7 - HI speed | T4/2 | Power out to Coolant Fan V7 - MED speed | T4/3 | Power in from J32 A/C Relay and fuse S19, and F18 Coolant Fan Control Thermal Switch Terminal 2 | T4/4 | Power in from Battery positive | T8e/1 | Power out to J206 Fuel Pump After Run Control Module | T8e/2 | Input signal for MED speed Coolant Fan operation from F18 Coolant Fan Control Thermal Switch and/or F129 A/C Pressure Switch | T8e/3 | Input signal for HI speed Coolant Fan operation from F165 Third Speed Coolant Fan Thermal Switch | T8e/4 | Power in from fuse S13 | T8e/5 | Power out to N25 A/C Compressor Clutch | T8e/6 | Input signal from E33 A/C Evaporator Temperature Switch (anti-icing) and J44 A/C Clutch Relay | T8e/7 | Ground connection 193 in wiring harness | T8e/8 | Power out to F87 After Run Coolant Fan Control Thermal Switch |
VW Passat (B3) 1993 Radiator Cooling Fan operation Fan speed | Description |
LOW | Operation is by F18 Coolant Fan Control Thermal Switch Terminal 2 at approximately 95°C or when A/C is switched on through J32 A/C Relay. Operation is independent of J293 Coolant Fan Control Module. | MED | Operation is by F18 Coolant Fan Control Thermal Switch Terminal 1 at approximately 102°C and/or F129 A/C Pressure Switch at A/C high side pressure of approximately 15 Bar (221 psi). Operation is controlled by J293 Coolant Fan Control Module. | HIGH | Operation is only by F165 Third Speed Coolant Fan Thermal Switch at approximately 119°C. Operation is controlled by J293 Coolant Fan Control Module. High speed fan operation occurs at near overheat conditions only. Note that the A/C Compressor clutch will also disengage at approximately 112°C through F163 A/C Cut-Out Thermal Switch. |