Editorial Inquiries

Editorial Inquiries

Bentley Publishers is always looking for books of merit.  Our goal is publishing environment that encourages  authors to share their knowledge with the greater community in their own voice.    Particularly valued: new research research, clear illustrations and drawings, as well as valuable technical information.

Below are examples of what we'll be looking for in a book proposal:

  • A synopsis no more than two pages in length describing the book idea.
  • A detailed table of contents.
  • One sample chapter.
  • A paragraph or two that demonstrates to us your understanding of the market for your book, the competition and what it is that makes your book stand out from the rest.
  • Author's resume or bio and if applicable, include other published titles and whether or not this proposal is being considered by other publishers
  • Please indicate your author ship on cover page, and include your name and author credit on each print out page footer.

NOTE: If you would like your materials returned, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Once we receive your proposal materials, we will respond within approximately 3 weeks from receipt.

Please send proposals to:

Bentley Publishers
Attn: Editorial Proposals

At address on contact us page:  Contact Us

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