BMW X3 E83 Servomotor Actuator - DIY Repair (video)
Abstract: How to repair the BMW X3 X-Drive Transfer Case Servo Motor
Applies to: BMW X3 2004-2010 (platform: E83)
Featured Manual: BentleyPublishers' BMW X3 2004-2010 Repair Manual (E83) -
Topic: How to repair the BMW X3 X-Drive Transfer Case Servomotor / Servo Actuator by replacing the internal plastic drive gear rather than replacing entire Servomotor. Bentley Publishers' Do-It-Yourself repair example uses a 2007 BMW X3 with a worn Servo Motor gear.
Symptoms of Faulty Servo Motor / Actuator may include:
- BMW Fault Code 5F3a and BMW Fault Code 5463
- Illumination of Three Dashboard Lights While Driving: a) 4x4 Warning Light; b) Brake Warning Light; ABS Warning Light.
- Clicking Noise on Engine Shutdown / Clunk when Engine is Turned Off.
This video demonstrates highlights of one particular repair experience. Your work may be different. Follow manufacturer's safety instructions and repair guidelines and information, cautions and warnings in the video, and general cautions and warnings at:
Demonstration Vehicle: Bentley Publishers' Do-It-Yourself repair example uses a 2007 BMW X3 (BMW E83).
Additional information and updates to Bentley Manual may be found at:
BMW X3 MY 2004 - 2010 (E83) - Repair Information
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